Thursday, December 13, 2012

Taiwan English is moving.

I'm moving this blog to a new address due to various reasons.

The new address will be:

There will be no more updates on the old page.

I will respond to your comments too in the new address.

Thank you for your continued support for Taiwan English.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Better than 5-star hotel: IAWE conference in Hong Kong and Guangzhou (Day 1)

I went to Hong Kong and Guangzhou to attend the World Englishes conference. Because I was not able to get the grant, I did not have enough budget to stay at a hotel. So I stayed at a friend's house. With this view from the veranda of Alan's room, I think it is better than a 5-star hotel.

Not only that the view from the veranda is magnificent, the interior design, which Alan did himself, is also very tasteful. Thank you, Alan, for letting me stay in your beautiful house!

The vegetarian Indian meal on Cathay Pacific was not enough to fill me up, so I had a snack at a convenience store. Ribena reminds me of my days in England. But not the 咖哩魚蛋.

I felt that the things in the convenience store were roughly four times more expensive than those in Taiwan. The living expenses in Hong Kong seem to be higher than those in Japan.

Alan and his wife Jill taking a late night (early morning?) stroll in the nice park in front of their house. The park was squeaky clean and reminded me of Tokyo or Singapore. Only the next morning did I realize that the park was done very tastefully with a Chinese 養生 theme. (I will introduce that later.)

I was dead tired after a crazy work day that started in Taoyuan-Taipei-Taoyuan, so I went to bed at 1am. (Very early in Hong Kong standards? But way past my usual bedtime.)
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rhoticity makes you sound more fluent? From a former non-rhotician

It was so interesting I just couldn't stop.

Since I can't post my comments there, I will answer the question here, then.

I used to sound non-rhotic, but now I'm more rhotic. I'm a Japanese person teaching English in Taiwan. My original accent was non-rhotic, because Japanese English is essentially non-rhotic, and I was taught British English. Most of my friends when I lived in northeastern England were from Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong, all of whom were non-rhotic (unless they were faking an American accent or something).

But I went rhotic after I came to Taiwan. There are several reasons to that. First, in Taiwan, rhotic seems to be the prestige accent. I once saw a book that taught KK音標, and it said you should pronounce the rolled /r/ because it will make you sound more . (Actually, this is one of the reasons why many non-rhotic foreigners think Taiwanese people sound caricature American.) People thought my accent was 不標準 when they heard my non-rhotic English and concluded it was because I was Japanese, not because I was trying to sound British. Third, Jennifer Jenkins said rhotic was more intelligible in lingua franca communication. I guess that's true, because we Asians generally learn how to spell English words before we learn how to pronounce them. It seems more "logical" to me to insert an r sound when there is an r in spelling. And in RP, there is the inconsistency of having to pronounce the r when the next word starts with a vowel. Lastly, I lived in the Philippines for almost three years and have lots of Filipino friends. In the Philippines, people, especially those with lower English proficiency, have difficulty understanding you if you sound non-rhotic, perhaps because you sound so different from the way they are taught what English words sound like.

I do sound a lot more non-native when I sound rhotic (maybe because it was in the Philippines that I learned to sound rhotic), but my students seem to understand me much better when I sound rhotic. This is probably because they're familiar with what I call the "KK音標-inspired accent". And it doesn't matter if I sound non-native, not least because they thought I sounded non-native even back when I was trying to sound as British as possible in class, probably because of my Asian face and Japanese surname. (Besides, we all know that native speakers are only a minority of English speakers.)

I have noticed, though, I subconsciously switch back to non-rhotic in several situations. First, when I'm having very relaxed conversations with, say, my wife, I turn non-rhotic, because that's my original accent in the first place. I also turn non-rhotic when I have to "impress" someone with my "high class" British accent, especially when I have to talk to a teacher who, I feel, looks down on me because of my non-nativeness. (Isn't this the use of Bourdieu's "linguistic asset"?) Also, I tend to suddenly turn non-rhotic when talking to a non-rhotic interlocutor, for example, a Briton, perhaps as accommodation strategy. I sometimes notice that I’m speaking non-rhotic when conversing with other rhotic native speakers or fluent L2 speakers, probably because I know that they have high proficiency and subconsciously think that they shouldn’t have any problem deciphering me.

Consequently, the best place to hear me sounding rhotic is classrooms.

The dilemma is: I sound rhotic because I think students can understand me more easily; but students may think my English is limited because I sound more non-native when I’m rhotic.

One solution would be for me to pick up a native-like American accent. But I really can’t imagine myself doing that. I used to dislike my classmates who had an American accent and used to label them as fake Americans. And I don’t want to be a target of a terrorist attack when visiting some Islamic countries. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


















Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ode to "non-native" Englishes

We are not native speakers of English. So we don't sound like one. And we most likely never will, if we don't sound like one by now. But that's OK. There's no need.

There are more non-native speakers in the world than there are native speakers. So we are more likely to be using English with other non-native speakers than with native speakers (unless you immigrate to the US or get a job at the British Embassy or something). It is certainly the case with me. Few of my friends with whom I use English are native speakers (except my colleagues at school). I attend an international church where English is the practically the only language used, but very few in the congregation are native speakers of English. They seem to understand my Japan English without much difficulty.

It is probably not true that native-speaker varieties of English are the most widely understood. There are quite a few studies which found out that native-speaker varieties were actually harder to be understood in international communication. And I have attended many international conferences and meetings where native speakers were the only ones having trouble understanding and being understood. It's not hard to guess why. Many of them are so used to speaking in English that they speak so fast, and they don't enunciate clearly. And they use many local idioms and slangs that may be common in their own countries, but not outside. Some of them probably put the blame for communication breakdowns on the fact that our English is "not up to the standard". We know from studies that such an attitude interferes negatively with one's ability to understand.

Aside from being understood more easily in international communication, there are other benefits to sounding non-native. I feel more comfortable and psychologically stable when people can tell from my accent my cultural background. This way, I don't have to try to pretend to be someone else. It is tiring to sound like a native speaker. It is even worse sometimes even imitating native speakers' mannerisms, facial expressions, etc. (I think many fellow non-native teachers agree with me.) It is a futile effort. And it makes me feel stupid. Besides making me feel as if I was a copycat monkey (物まね小猿) in the English-speakingdom, it actually does make me sound more stupid, because I can't pay much attention to contents, grammar and lexis when I have to pay so much attention to native-like pronunciation.

Another thing is that it is dangerous nowadays to be mistaken as a native speakers of English in certain countries, especially in the Middle East, etc. But this is a sensitive issue, so I won't talk about it here then.

OK, so if we don't need to try to sound like a native speaker, how can we raise our success rate in international communication with other non-natives? Here are my thoughts.
From my experience, it is important to pronounce the words clearly. You should almost sound like "spelling pronunciation". This will certainly slow down your speech. You will also sound less "native-like" and more "foreign" to native ears. But that doesn't matter. People from different countries will understand you better.

Studies found that "syllable-timed" accents were easier to understand for non-native speakers. Syllable-timing means you give almost equal stress to every syllable in a word. So you sound like "cohn-grah-choo-lay-shee-ons" when you say "congratulations". Many proficient non-native speakers of English have syllable-timing. Yet, syllable-timing is one thing that will make you sound definitely non-native. You may feel you are less "cool" when you sound less like an American. But you have to realize that you will never sound completely like an American no matter how hard you try anyway. (Unless you have some special talent, that is. And if you do, you should perhaps consider becoming an actor.)

I think one of the reasons why "spelling pronunciation" or "syllable-timed" accents are easier to understand is because, especially here in East Asia, we learn how to spell and read English before we learn how to speak it (if we ever do)! When I was learning English as a young student, I always felt frustrated that English words never sounded like how they are spelt when pronounced by native speakers.

Another important thing is more of a psychological factor. It is called accommodation. It means you have to accept that people have different accents, and be willing to try hard to understand people with "unusual" or unfamiliar accents. This can happen only if people are constantly exposed to people with many different accents. The opposite happens when people are exposed only to limited varieties of accents. For example, many Taiwanese students are familiar only with a kind of American accent. So they may mistakenly think that is the only "standard" accent of English. And when they come across someone with a different accent, they naturally find it difficult to understand. This is usually because they subconsciously blame the other person for not having what they think is the "standard" accent. This causes them to give up efforts to understand too easily. The problem can be solved easily by constantly exposing learners to different accents.

It is encouraging to know that in many countries, like the Philippines, people are "functionally native" in English. It means that they use English among their own countrymen in certain domains. Even though the way they use English may be different from that of, say, Americans, and occasionally get laughed at for that, it nevertheless functions perfectly well as a lingua franca in those domains.

I often use English with my fellow East Asians including Koreans and Vietnamese, because it is often the only language we have in common. And it is very helpful that they find my Japanese rhetorical style and cultural references very similar to their own. The communication would be much more problematic if I spoke with an impeccable British/American English. Well, Asian Englishes is another topic so I will write about it some other time, then.

Friday, April 13, 2012

















Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taiwan Japanese: Japanese as a lingua franca







また、日本における英語やフランス語と同じように、外国人の便宜のためというより、ただ「かっこよく」見せるために、ナンセンスな日本語が書いてあって、日本人が見たらてんでんおかしいということはよくある。この場合、日本語であることを強調するために、日本人なら普通漢字で書くものを、わざわざひらがなで書いてあることが多い。僕のスリッパには「すソつぱ つよい にほんせい」と書いてあるし、近所を走っている、中国語で「故宮博物院」と書かれたバスは「こきゅうはくぶついん」とわざわざひらがなの看板も掲げている。(これは、日本人観光客のためというより、市バスが国際化に取り組んでいるということを台北市民にアピールする目的だろう。日本人なら、幼稚園児でもない限り、故宮博物院という漢字はよめるだろうから。)また、僕は時々友人がやっている創作日本料理店のメニューを日本語に訳すことがあるが、日本人にとって自然な日本語に訳すと、「あまり漢字を使わないでくれ、日本語に見えないから」と文句をいわれることがよくある。


Saturday, April 7, 2012



Beef noodle shop owned by an Iranian is another famous eatery in Jilin Road area.


They said they used Persian spices. At least it looks like Lanzhou Lamian.


But, upon tasting, it was much less exotic than, say, Lanzhou Lamian in Carrefour.


They probably adjusted the spiciness to adopt to the Taiwanese tastebuds.


Noodles were very fine white flour noodles. Yummy.


I tried the Taiwanese-style paocai which was also good.


The place has a better deco than most other places in Jilin Road area. Good atmosphere.



There are many hawkers around the Catholic Church on Jilin Street. It's almost like a night market.


The "church beehoon soup" is supposed to be famous, but wasn't that good.


Many taxi drivers are having meals in that area. I don't know why...

Friday, April 6, 2012


Today is Good Friday, so it's fast and abstinence.

So I don't want to be writing about food. But if i don't do it now, I may never have a chance to do it, as is usually the case.





There's no shark fin in this shark fin soup. Shredded seaweed (or something like that) just looks like shark fin. And the "meat soup" is not a soup, and contains no or very little meat. It's something made of mushed fish paste.






I still don't understand why the shop is called "A-chair"...


Thursday, April 5, 2012











Friday, March 2, 2012














Sunday, February 19, 2012



Q: 如果每個星期都來上課,我的英文會進步嗎?
A: 不會,如果你只是來上課的時候才接觸英語的話。

Q: 學校的英文課對TOEIC那樣的考試有幫助嗎?
A: 間接有幫助。
考試有分achievement testproficiency test兩種。TOEICproficiency test。而銘傳的考試也偏proficiency test。意思就是TOEIC跟銘傳的考試都是要測試你平常的英語實力有多少。所以考前臨時讀書對分數的影響不大。唯一的例外是單字的部分。

Q: 我覺得我的英文「不標準」,是台式英語。怎麼辦?
A: 台灣人本來就該說台式英語。現在世界各地,特別是亞洲地區,把英語當共通語言;每一國人都為了保留自己風格,使用具有各地特色的英語,而不會刻意模仿美國人或英國人說的英語。這本來就是自然的現象。如果一個人,又不是美國人,也不住在美國,可是一開口就說純美式英語的話,不但很不自然,也可能被各國的人懷疑沒有建立起自己的文化認同,甚至被誤會你是支持美國在國際政治上的立場而導致危險。
現在世界的英語人口中,多數是以英語為第二語言的人。意思是說,如果生活上使用到英文,大多跟非母語的人溝通,而不是跟美國人。既然不是跟美國人,為什麼一定要用美式英語? 而且語言學家們研究發現,美式英語在國際溝通時,並不是最會通的;具有第二語言特色的英語,反而比較容易被聽懂。
可是請不要誤會,我說的台式英語,就是既具有台灣特色,又被國際聽懂的英語;而不是純粹有錯誤,造成對方霧煞煞的英語。後者一般被叫做 "Chinglish",是我們應該避免的。上課的時候,老師會鼓勵Taiwan English,而糾正Chinglish.

Q: 我英文發音不好,怎麼辦?
A: 首先,你為什麼會覺得自己的發音不好呢? 如果你的發音不像美國人,或那很會卷舌的台籍補習班老師,並不一定代表你的發音不好。我的經驗是,大部分的台灣學生,發音不會有太嚴重的問題。老師只會在遇到可能導致對方誤會的發音問題的時候,才會糾正發音。(世界上多數人覺得很饒舌的怪音如 /th/,就算完全不會也幾乎不影響國際溝通。最多只有不懂社會語言學的同胞會嘲笑你而已。)

Q: 上課時老師講一直講英文,我聽得不是很懂,怎麼辦?
A: 那恭喜你。只有不斷接觸大約60%聽懂的英文時,你的英文才可望進步。如果100%聽得懂,那就代表這個程度對你來說是太淺了;聽再久,你的英文不會再進步。為了不浪費你的錢和時間,請到「進階班」去。如果你是完全聽不懂,那麼這個程度對你來說太難了,聽再久也不會突然變成聽得懂。但因為英語課是必修,所以趕快找老師商量該怎麼補救吧。(可是依我的經驗,台灣的學生幾乎沒有完全聽不懂的。)